Ayaanikeshkaagewaad Language Revitalization
Language revitalization and teaching are critical elements of cultural survival and community resilience, promoting and empowering not only language learning but enhancing cultural wisdom and indigenous knowledge. Language and cultural revitalization are central to protecting niibi and manoomin.
Rights of Nature
Through the Rights of Nature Institute, the Niibi Center provides education, resources, guidance, and strategic convenings for the governments of sovereign, Woodlands tribal nations.
Traditional Women’s Gatherings
Anishinaabe women hold a sacred responsibility for the protection of water, sharing teachings, conducting traditional ceremonies, and providing leadership for public advocacy to ensure that we collectively care for water in keeping with prophecies.
Historical Trauma Healing
Healing and processing historical trauma, including forced removal of children to boarding schools, is crucial for Anishinaabe people in moving forward and thriving. The Niibi Center’s Historical Healing work focuses on supporting tribal people in sharing and processing their stories around boarding schools, forced removal, land loss and other historical traumas caused by colonization in order to facilitate greater health in our communities.
Water Protector Support Network
The WPSN aims to support water protectors and land defenders who have participated in front-line work against oil and gas infrastructure through a monthly support group. Our goal is to provide a network of relationships and resources to heal from trauma, as well as to continue building healthy communities.